
The Krounchasana, also known as the Heron Pose can be described as a seated stretch that helps exercise your hamstrings and calves. Yoga experts claim that this pose is like an intensified variation of the Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana or the Three Limbs to the West Pose. The Heron Pose is one of the harder yoga poses to perform and your knees as well as your hamstrings need to be flexible for it. This graceful yoga pose, when performed correctly, strengthens the core muscles while it stretches the back of the legs Some of the heron pose modifications could include the use of props like a chair, blocks or straps.

In order to avoid any injuries, it is absolutely essential that you practice the heron pose under the supervision of a yoga teacher, at least in the beginning. 

         Precaution of krounchasana

  • The Heron Pose is regarded as one of the more complicated poses in yoga, which is why it should only be practiced under the guidance of an expert.
  • Moreover, it is important for you to have achieved at least some level of mastery in yoga, before you decide to practice the Heron Poses. In fact, in some cases, people may also be asked to refrain from practicing this yoga .
  • Women who are going through their menstrual cycle should avoid practicing the heron poses.
  • In case you are suffering from an ankle or a knee problem, or any kind of injury affecting these joints, this pose may worsen the condition. 

       Procedure of krounchasana

  • Sit on a flat surface, like the floor, in a way that your legs are stretched out straight ahead of you.
  • Bend your right knee in front of you, so that it touches the floor. Your right foot should rest next to your right hip and both your knees need to be together.
  • Maintain your balance while you sit up straight, so that your weight rests on your “sitting bones”o Make sure that your body weight is equally divided between the sitting bones.
  • Then, bend your left knee in a way that your left foot rests flat on the floor, just in front of the sitting bone.
  • Using both your hands, cup your left foot at the heel Straighten your leg, pulling it backwards, closer to your torsos. Make sure that your back and shoulder blades are straight. To perform the pose correctly, your leg has to be completely perpendicular to the ground.
  • Move your chin towards your knee while your back remains straight and extended.
  • Hold our breath and this pose for about 30 seconds, before lowering the leg slowly.
  • Repeat the entire exercise with the other leg.
If you are new to the heron pose, only raise your leg as far as you comfortably. It can may take a while for you to be able to hold your leg perpendicular to the ground. 

       Benefits of krounchasana

  • Legs: When you practice The Heron Pose, you tend to feel the pressure on your thighs, calves, hamstrings and knees. This pose increases strength and flexibility in the joints and muscles of the legs.
  • Chest and Abdomen: The regular practice of this pose tones up the organs and the muscles of your chest and abdomen. This helps to open them up and improve their overall functioning. This pose is very helpful, in case you suffer from excess flatulence.
  • Feet: The Heron Pose is excellent for those who have flat feet. The benefit to this body part is that the pose stretches the ankles, the arch of the foot as well as the Achilles Heel.