Ashwa Sanchalanasana | Equestrian pose

In Sanskrit Ashwa = horse; Sanchalana = movement or stepping; a march or parade; Asana = comfortable seat

Ashwa Sanchalanasana or the Equestrian pose is part of the Sun Salutationseries of asanas. It appears as the 4th pose and the 9th pose in the Sun Salutation or Surya NamaskaraYou can place the knee of the stretched leg on the ground. 

         Precaution of ashwa sanchalanasana

  • Knee injury: avoid, or take extra caution with front knee alignment – the front knee should be directly above the ankle and the shin is perpendicular to the; if necessary practice the gentle variation with the back knee resting on the floor;
  • Neck problems: look down at the floor instead of straight ahead;
  • Late pregnancy: place both hands on inside of front foot, and only straighten the back leg if it feels appropriate. 

       Procedure of ashwa sanchalanasana

  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana is done immediately after the Padahastasana pose in Surya Namaskara. So Padahastasana is the starting pose for Ashwa Sanchalanasana.
  • From this position, take the left leg as far back as possible. In the process, bend the right knee without changing its position. Inhale while stretching the left leg backwards.
  • Keep the hands straight with fingers touching the floor. Arch the back and tilt the head slightly backward. Look straight ahead.
  • When done as part of the Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation exercises) a mantra can be chanted while performing this asana. Ashwa Sanchalanasana is done as the 4th pose and the 9th pose. The mantra to be chanted is given below:During 9th pose chant “Om Adityaya Namaha”. It means salutation to the son of Aditi.
  • During 4th pose chant “Om Bhanave Namaha”. It means salutations to the one who shines. 

       Benefits of ashwa sanchalanasana

  • It tones the abdominal organs.
  • It gives flexibility to the leg muscles during stretching.
  • It gives a sense of nervous balance.
  • Stretches the quadricep muscles (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius);
  • Stretches the deep iliopsoas muscle and opens the groin and hips;
  • Lengthens the spine and strengthens the muscles of the chest, opening the heart and increasing lung capacity.
  • Tones the kidney and liver and stimulates abdominal organs;
  • Has a positive effect on mental power – increases will power, courage and determination.