
Sarvangasana or shoulder stand is a yoga pose wherein the whole body is balanced on the shoulders. It is also a part of the Padma Sadhana yoga sequence. ‘Sarv’ means all, ‘anga’ means part of a body, and ‘asana’ is posture. As the name indicates, Sarvangasana influences the functioning of all parts of your body. This asana is highly beneficial in maintaining the mental and physical health and is also referred as ‘Queen of asanas’.

Sarvangasana is one of the advanced yoga pose packed with lot of health benefits. It is a total body workout pose. If you read the health benefits of sarvangasana then you like to do this yoga pose every day. Because it strengthens all the inner parts of your body and keeps it strong and healthy. It is also called as shoulder stand pose.  

        Precaution of sarvangasana

  • Those who have affected by these following problems should avoid practice this pose.
High blood pressure
Heart problems
Middle ear trouble
Weak age
Slipped disc
  • For weak or old age people practice  as an alternate for this yoga pose and gain all the benefits of sarvangasana.
  • People suffering from eye problems, blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease should avoid this asana.
  • Should be avoided during pregnancy and periods.
  • Should be practiced on an empty stomach.
  • Consult your doctor before practicing Sarvangasana and practice under expert guidance. 

       Procedure of sarvangasana

  • Lie on your back with hands by your side.
  • With one movement, lift your legs, buttocks and back so that you come up high on your shoulders. Support your back with the hands.
  • Move your elbows closer towards each other, and move your hands along your back, creeping up towards the shoulder blades. Keep straightening the legs and spine by pressing the elbows down to the floor and hands into the back. Your weight should be supported on your shoulders and upper arms and not on your head and neck.
  • Keep the legs firm. Lift your heels higher as though you are putting a footprint on the ceiling. Bring the big toes straight over the nose. Now point the toes up. Pay attention to your neck. Do not press the neck into the floor. Instead keep the neck strong with a feeling of tightening the neck muscles slightly. Press your sternum toward the chin. If you feel any strain in the neck, come out of the posture.
  • Keep breathing deeply and stay in the posture for 30-60 seconds.
  • To come out of the posture, lower the knees to forehead. Bring your hands to the floor, palms facing down. Without lifting the head slowly bring your spine down, vertebra by vertebra, completely to the floor. Lower the legs to the floor. Relax for a minimum of 60 seconds. 

       Benefits of sarvangasana

  • Stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and normalizes their functions.
  • Strengthens the arms and shoulders and keeps the spine flexible.
  • Nourishes the brain with more blood.
  • Stretches the heart muscles by returning more venous blood to the heart.
  • Brings relief from constipation, indigestion and varicose veins.
  • Blood circulatory system, respiratory system and digestive system will be vivified.
  • While practicing this yoga pose more blood flows into throat, thyroid gland will be invigorated.
  • Sexual disorders are cured easily.
  • It rectifies disorders in ears, nose and throat.
  • Diseases at the bottom and around the heels are cured.
  • Hair loss and premature graying of hair are put to end or controlled.
  • Diseases caused in and around groin (also called as hernia) area will be cured.
  • Practise sarvangasana regularly decrease or increase body weight and maintains the perfect body weight.
  • Menstrual disorders, frequent abortions, leucorrhoea and barrenness in women are also cured.
  • Chronic patients will recover their loosed strength.
  • Kidney disorders are cured and urinary bladder is also made to function properly.
  • Regular practice of this yoga pose brightens the eye sight, diminishes dimness in hearing and improves the power of smelling in nose.
  • It purifies blood. Hence leukemia and such other skin diseases are easily cured.
  • Shrinking of skins, wrinkles in face, aged look and stiffness are refreshened and skin begins to bloom.
  • Masturbation and loss of seminal fluid through night wetting and other ways are brought into control and helps to restore their health to normal.
  •  Asthma, liver disorders, intestinal disorders, constipation, diabetes, varicose veins and insomnia are cured.