Namaskar Parsvakonasana

Also know as or Namaskar Parsvakonasana, the Prayer Twist yoga pose is a slightly more advanced pose when compared to the Revolved Side Angle Pose wherein yogis merely bend their torso, stretch their spine and feel a certain expansion through their body. Whereas, in Prayer Twist yoga pose, they need to train the spinal nerves and sinews to maintain the perfect prayer pose by bringing their hands into Anjali Mudra. The Prayer Twist, thus, helps you build lower body strength and ensures perfect alignment of your spine.  

         Precaution of namaskar parsvakonasana

  • Avoid for recent or chronic injury to the knee, hips, back or shoulders.
  • If you’ve a medical record of persistent headache, high or low blood pressure, or insomnia, you should avoid this yoga pose.
  • Moreover, those with neck problems should not bend their head to aggravate the situation. 

       Procedure of namaskar parsvakonasana

  • From High Lunge pose(with right foot forward), rotate the torso, bringing the left elbow on the right knee. Bring the palms together in prayer position and press into them to rotate the right shoulder up and back twisting the upper back. Look at the wall or the ceiling.
  •  Keep the right knee bent, legs strong pressing into the feet, and keep the hips sinking down.
  • Breathe and hold for 3-6 breaths.
  • To release: inhale and press into the feet, straightening the legs and then inhale the arms out to the side or up towards the ceiling.
  • Repeat on other side. 

       Benefits of namaskar parsvakonasana

  • Prayer Twist pose builds lower body strength, opens the chest, stretches the back muscles, and helps nourish and realign the spine.
  • The Prayer Twist yoga pose helps yogis strengthen their groins, chest, lungs, shoulders and spine, aside from providing stretch to their legs, ankles and knees.
  • For those seeking to develop stamina and balance, Namaskar Parsvakonasana is just the right yoga pose.
  • It helps improve digestion and stimulates abdominal organs as well.