Pawanmuktasana | Wind Relieving Pose | Knee Press Pose

is one of the best yoga poses for beginner, as it is easy to perform and can even be included in a child or toddler’s yoga routine. The term Pawanmuktasana is a combination of the words ‘Pavana’ (the Sanskrit word for wind), ‘mukta’ which means to relieve or release and asana (meaning posture). As the name suggests, Pawanmuktasana helps to release abdominal gas and ease digestive disorders which is why it is one of the most commonly recommended yoga postures for people with digestive problems. Basic yoga poses such as Pawanmuktasana are ideal yoga exercises for beginners as these yoga postures help to tone the muscles of the abdomen and lower back and this makes it easier for the person to move on to more challenging asanas.  

       Precaution of pawanmuktasana

  • Avoid performing this pose just after you have had any surgery in the abdominal area or suffering from hernia.
  • Do not attempt this pose if you have an injury in the spine or sciatica.
  • You should also avoid this pose if you are pregnant.
  • Do not perform this posture on a full stomach.
  • Do ensure that you always practice all yoga poses within your abilities as also within limits.
  • Try not to let your lower back come off the floor at all.
  • Suffering from high blood pressure issues should not practice.
  • People with stomach ulcer problems should avoid.
  • Have a slip disc problem. Don't even think about doing pawanmuktasana. 

     Procedure of pawanmuktasana

  • Begin by lying on your back, with your legs and arms extended.
  • As you exhale, draw both of your knees to your chest. Clasp your hands around your knees.
  • While holding only your right knee, release your left leg and extend it along the floor. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Draw your left knee back in towards your chest and clasp your hands around both knees again.
  • While holding only your left knee, release your right leg and extend it along the floor. Hold this pose for the same amount of time.
  • Finally, draw both knees to your chest

     Benefits of pawanmuktasana

  • Helpful for reproductive organ as well as for menstruation muddle.
  • Mild massage to the organs of the digestive system. It help to recover the effectiveness of the inner organs, excite the nerves, moreover increases the movement of blood to the inner organs of the body
  • Caring for those sufering from gas troubles, sharpness, arthritis pain, and waist pain and heart problems.
  • The pose moreover releases the spinal vertebrae as well as strengthens the muscles of the lower back.
  • Helps to decrease obstinate fat deposits from the thighs, buttocks, moreover stomach.
  • Help to dispose of any gases which are intent in the large intestine.
  • It eases mental lethargy to enable the dischage of toxins from the body as well as carries the mental clearness.
  • Brilliant workout moreover assist to tone also strenthens your core muscles.