Sheetali Pranayam | Cooling Breath

The meaning of word “Sheetali” is cooling down, that process which can cool down our body and gives feeling of coldness. The word Shitali is originally taken from the word “Sheetal” which means cold or soothing. The daily practice of Sheetali Pranayama can calm the mind along with body. In Ancient text Hatha yoga Pradipika Sheetali pranayama and Sheetkari pranayama is mentioned. The process of Sheetali Pranayama is very similar to Sheetkari pranayama. Sheetali Pranayama and Sheetkari is also a breathing technique (Pranayama). The basic purpose of the Shitali Pranayama is to decrease or cool down the body temperature, this may have positive impact on our nervous system and endocrine glands. Person becomes young and charming by practicing this process which is mentioned in Hatha yoga Pradipika by Swami Swatmaram ji. Person is able to control thirst and hunger with daily practice of sheetali Pranayama. This has been mentioned in ancient books which are related to Yog. 

       Precaution of sheetali pranayam

  • People who are low B.P. and those people who are suffering from Asthama, cold and cough or other respiratory related problem should not try this.
  • Avoid during the extreme cold days of winter (unless your body heat is excess).
  • If you have history of chronic constipation, stop doing these breathing techniques as they cool the area around Swadhishtana Chakra).
  • If you are not able to fold your tongue like tube then try Sheetkari Pranayama in that case. Sheetkari have the same effects like Sheetali Pranayama. 

      Procedure of sheetali pranayam

  • Sit comfortably in any meditative pose like Padmasana, Swastikasana e.t.c.
  • Keep your both hands on knees.
  • Now bring your tongue all the way out and fold both sides of tongue like a tube or straw.
  • Take a long, deep inhalation through the tube in the tongue which is formed by folding the both sides of tongue.
  • After Inhalation close your mouth and exhale with both nostrils.
  • Repeat this about 8 to 10 times.

Steps of Sheetali Pranayama with Bandha
  • Sit comfortably in any meditative pose like Padmasana, Swastikasana e.t.c.
  • Keep your both hands on knees.
  • Now bring your tongue all the way out and fold both sides of tongue like a tube or straw.
  • Take a long, deep inhalation through the tube in the tongue which is formed by folding the both sides of tongue.
  • After inhalation, lower your chin to the chest (Jalandhar bandha) and hold the breath about 6 to 8 seconds. (During retention of breath lower and bend the chin downward resting it on the throat pit.)
  • When you feel like breathe out release the Jalandhar bandha (lift your chin to the normal position) and exhale slowly by the left nadi (nostril).
  • Repeat it about 5 to 6 time.
  • In the end, bring your breathing back to normal and feel relax. 

      Benefits of sheetali pranayam

    • Sheetali Pranayama is useful in diseases which related to tongue, mouth and throat.
    • It is very beneficial in diseases of spleen.
    • Helpful in fever and indigestion.
    • Controls the High B.P.
    • Useful in Pitta related diseases.
    • It purifies the blood.
    • Best for cooling down the body temperature.
    • Best for fighting against the Insomnia problem.
    • It calms the mind, and it’s a effective stress buster.
    • If our mind is calm we can easily deal with anger and anxiety.
    • Effective in hyperacidity.