What is LIFE ? | I N F I N I T Y = Choices | Yoga in Hindi

23/02/18 04:39 PM By AVIYOG GROUP - Comment(s)

The meaning of life, or the answer to the question "What is the meaning of life?", pertains to the significance of living or existence in general.

Find unique Yoga & Update | Nothing then Live Yoga

21/02/18 11:57 AM By AVIYOG GROUP - Comment(s)

Any has Infinite possibility 

Each possibility has Infinite possibility 

The Full of choices Its Life 

The understanding this is Yoga 

unique - being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. 

update - make (something) more modern or up to date. 

give (someone) the late...

Communication Skill : Shabd Yog | The Yoga Art

19/02/18 11:49 AM By AVIYOG GROUP - Comment(s)

Communication - the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.

Mana Shanti - Ultimate purpose of Yoga | Yoga Session on 26th Jan 2018

17/02/18 03:53 PM By AVIYOG GROUP - Comment(s)

Mana Shanti -

Peace of Mind - Mind means creator that should be peace to controll aready created i.e Mind

Stress, Anger, Dipression, Unhappy, Unhealthy, Confusion, etc are due to uncontrolled Mind

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