Yoga in any Moment

Blog categorized as Yoga in any Moment

Life is not only with water | How much drink water ?

13/02/18 01:40 PM By AVIYOG GROUP - Comment(s)

Fresh water is necessary for the survival of every moment of life. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water and we cannot survive more than a few days without it.

What is Discussion ? Lead to Relationship : The Yoga art

13/02/18 12:52 PM By AVIYOG GROUP - Comment(s)


the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas a conversation or debate about a specific topic a detailed treatment of a topic in speech or writing

Question, Sawaal ? | Permanent Solution : The Yoga (Hindi)

13/02/18 12:50 PM By AVIYOG GROUP - Comment(s)

How, Why, Where, When, Whom, Who, What, Whose to use How, Why, Where, When, Whom, Who, What, Whose in #Life

What is Aura or Energy Field ? | The field to impress

13/02/18 12:48 PM By AVIYOG GROUP - Comment(s)

eg. Hand over fire will be warmed until too far thats "the Aura"

Good or Bad ? in our controll - Nothing then Yoga

08/02/18 05:55 PM By AVIYOG GROUP - Comment(s)

good - 

to be desired or approved of having the required qualities; 

of a high standard that which is morally right;

 righteousness benefit or advantage to someone or something 

bad - 

of poor quality or a low standard not such as to be hoped for or desired; 

unpleasant or un...

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